Sunday, June 21, 2009

Apparently I am too happy. ..

Is that possible, really? I never thought, not in a million years, that someone would say that to me. That my positivity, optimism, and me giving everyone the benefit of the doubt is outright annoying.

Well, it's happened.

I feel the need to explain myself though.

I've never been known for my sunny outlook on life. No matter how I tried, I just couldn't believe in the good of the world and the people in it. I couldn't believe that people were here to help you. I couldn't believe that when things didn't go my way, there was a reason, a legitimate reason. Nope, that just wasn't me.

Then I changed. I know, that sounds silly. People can't just change like that. Sure, I can pretend to be different, but on the inside, I've got to be that same, dare I say, pessimistic, person I always was before. But no, that's not the case. I really am a new person.

"Adversity" affects everyone differently

To some, normally happy and outgoing people, going through adverse situations would make them always assume the worst. Something bad will happen, someone is going to screw you over. But not me. Just the opposite happened. I got tired of expecting the worst out of everyone. Yes, if you have low expectations in others, oftentimes you will be surprised by what people will do. That would make most people happy. But that's just not how I work. Through the years, I got tired of the fighting, the wasting time and energy on everything and everyone, I got tired of the stress and I realized this was not helping me! It's just my energy that's wasted, just me who is disappointed...

just me who is let down...

I should be a cynic - But I try and assume you are telling the truth, no matter how outlandish or coincidental your story may be. I fight for the underdog. I help others see the positive in situations, to a fault.

Yes. I know this is annoying. I know it seems silly or fake. But, come on, it's who I am. It makes me happy.

I know I will, and do, get let down. I understand that I will be, and am disappointed - sometimes often. But I also know that letting these things rule my life and bring me down isn't helping anyone and is hurting me. I am trying to go with the flow on and hoping that I won't get screwed in the end.

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