Thursday, July 16, 2009

Perfect Balance

Taken from Weigh-in Wednesday - a weekly feel good from the Eating Disorders Coalition of TN
Perfect balance. Balanced perfection. Can either of these be reality?
The truth of the matter is that balance is not perfection. I think of a balance beam or standing on one foot—balance is knowing when and how to shift the focus.
Did you ever think of perfection as a form of limiting yourself? It really is a close-minded way of living. When you focus on achieving “perfection”, you close yourself off from what would be, which is possibly better than you think!
So here’s this week’s challenge: look for ways to shift your focus. Don’t limit yourself. Sometimes less really is more, and sometimes more is accomplished when you ease up on yourself. Take life as it comes instead of forcing your way through.
Instead of striving for perfection, we can strive for balance.
Whitney Hassell lives and works in Washington D.C. and is a member and volunteer of the EDCT and a contributor to Weigh-in Wednesday.

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