Friday, December 19, 2008

Where'd you get yer learnin'?

When I was in school my teachers always said one key way to know if you should trust a website was to check for misspellings and poor grammar...

...what happens when that website is CNN? Doesn't their tag line even say you can trust them? If so, WHY must they do this?

12/19/2008 from M.E.: It's Cayee, and it's a homicide.
Not to make this any worse than it already is, but the girl's name, it's Caylee with an "L".

12/10/2008 from
"He recalled another occasion in which he and another boy decided to get drunk. They mixed orange juice with rubbing alcohol. It make Middleton sick and his friend intoxicated."

Really CNN, it make him sick?

What has this world come to? I am thoroughly disappointed.

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