Thursday, March 19, 2009

In an effort to update my blog more often...

First off, congratulations are in order - to me! I have been on this diet for 1 month and 4 days and as of yesterday I have lost a total of :

26.4 pounds

I still have plenty to go but that is pretty darn exciting so it needs to be documented...

Other than that, the news of the week is I will be having surgery sometime soon, probably next week. I will know what day Monday when I meet with the surgeon. I'm having a lap chole (removing my gallbladder). I know this is an "easy" surgery but I made the mistake of watching this video.'s that scary - well maybe not scary but it's certainly gross but I did think that the liver looked pretty neat. I had no idea!

There's good news and bad news to this. The best news is this should alleviate my pain I've been having for the past almost 2 weeks. I spoke to my MD and I will have to go off my diet for "a little while" once I have the surgery. The good news is I'll be able to eat out at the beach without feeling too guilty! The bad news...I'm afraid it will be hard to start back. Keep your fingers crossed for that!

1 comment:

Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

Congratulations! That is really awesome and you should be proud. I am sorry to hear about your gallbladder. I know that is very uncomfortable....I had some problems with mine while I was expecting James. When you are pregnant your gallbladder does not work as effectively or something.....anyway it hurt! Keep up the good work! You are looking great! You might have to pass that diet on to me in August. I feel like I am getting huge!