Friday, January 9, 2009

43 Things

I'm probably a little behind, but maybe not. I've been reading up on 43 things. It's a place (a social networking group) where you can identify your goals (in a public manner) and track your progress on these (realistic) goals. Apparently they sell a book about doing this too. From what I understand if you write down your goals you will have a better understanding of what you want to accomplish and maybe you'll do it if it's staring you in the face. Along with the book (and the people using the website) they have a personality quiz which is supposed to help you get started(??). I, being a sucker for quizzes, took it. I thought it would be more like a Myers-Briggs personality test but went ahead...

However exciting (and scientific) that is, I find it pretty interesting to see that I am organized. I am most certainly an extrovert and I am constantly reinventing myself but who knew I was so organized?? I love it! And the best part is it says 0% of the 53079 people who have taken that quiz are like me.... now that I believe!

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm an
Extroverted Organized Reinventer

1 comment:

Lauren, Daniel, James and baby Brendan. said...

I took the says I am a "romantic organized self-knower". Interesting!