Thursday, August 28, 2008

And that's fine

It's been a while since I've gotten a wonderfully thoughtful email that I felt I needed to pass on. The EDCT of TN sent this one and it really hit home for me, I know I'm not alone.

I'm in the middle of a big transition. I've been in the middle of it for quite a while now and I ended up where I am now because things "weren't fine". Since then, I could list a million things every day that also, weren't fine. Things just weren't what I had hoped for. Maybe it's because I have a continuous internal conflict between optimism and pessimism. Sometimes it makes for a difficult outlook. I try so hard to look for the good in situations and people; I can always offer a friend another, better way to look at things, but I have a hard time doing that for myself - or at least believing it when I do. As I begin yet another chapter I can reflect on what has been "fine" or even great since I've been here - I've made friends, I've reconnected with family, I've learned new things and visited new places, I've gotten a car and have had a place to lay my head. Now I am able to move on. I can reflect on what has been fine, good, or even great and I know that I'm alright.

Below is an excerpt from todays Weigh-In:

When things aren't as we'd hoped for, the temptation is to look at all the
things we can't do and the list of reasons why. The human ego always
encourages us to hold on to our limitations. It is easier to look at what
is wrong rather than stretch to what could possibly be just fine. If we
would see things as perfectly fine, just the way they are, no matter what they
are, we might realize we are fine too. For some of us, this is a far
stretch. But that's fine, and so are you.

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