Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Although one might not know by my actions, Halloween might just be my favorite time of year. I volunteered at Boo at the Zoo last weekend and worked at the Church Halloween Ball Wednesday. They were both GREAT! I love seeing all the creative costumes - both children's and adult's - unfortunately mine didn't fall in the category. I am okay with that.

Last night was possibly my favorite night since I've moved - no offense to my girls b/c we always have a great time! I saw so many people last night that I haven't seen in ages and I loved every minute of it. I went to the Dude's house and saw his beautiful pregnant wife, and my MG and David and their 2 awesome kids. The Dude cooked! I know! I couldn't believe it either. This is the guy who used to say 'I'll buy the ingredients...but I won't make the meal' when we had Thanksgiving Dinner and other meals. I was impressed to say the least. We caught up and it was excellent. I missed those guys so much!!

Then on my way home I got a call from an old friend... we dated almost five years ago and have recently reconnected. Somehow it slipped my mind to tell him when I moved. Oops! I totally thought he knew. He and his friend, who I love, came over and it was great! It was all a little surreal. He was in my kitchen. He was on my couch. We talked for hours! It was almost like no time had passed. Almost.

All in all I had an amazing night! ...and to think I almost bailed on the whole evening.

Friday, October 17, 2008

For those who may be wondering...

It's been a long time since my last post.... sorry.

Just a quick update. I have moved and am settling in to my new place and new job. I love being back near my friends and family (although they may disagree). I have a "roommate" although we don't share rooms or even places... really, he's my landlord. James. He's pretty super! I still need a few more things to complete the "home" but for now everything is wonderful. I love being able to have my friends over and for them to feel comfortable and welcome. It's a great feeling!

Nothing too extraordinary is going on, but hopefully I'll have more resources soon enough so that I can post the mundane in the meantime.