Saturday, May 31, 2008

Software is not Soft

I have learned many things is my *almost* 28 years, but things never cease to amaze me.

Today I learned that no matter how slowly I try to do my work, I am just TOO damn efficient and now I have to pretend to work for the next 3 hours and 18 minutes. That is a very long time. Fortunately for me, I do have 3 very informative workbooks to read, one of which I started yesterday but nearly fell asleep from the boredom. Although, I did learn that "Software is not soft". No, I am not kidding, I should probably site my quote, but I don't have that information readily available. I'm lying, I have it, I'm just lazy.

I learned that just because it is a better deal to buy 2 for $2 candy bars if 1 is $1.49, it's not always the best idea. I didn't need the first one to begin with, I certainly don't need two! At least I brought carrots...

I have learned that I am someone who seems to go out of my way to avoid confrontation. I know, I know. I think I've found some sort of inner peace or something similar to it, and in most cases, just the thought of an argument or confrontation literally makes me sick to my stomach.

I have learned that occasionally when you think someone is crazy, they are. Like certifiably crazy. When you realize this, do something to help them. If they won't listen, find someone they will listen to - that, or run the other way! Hopefully they'll find the help they need and eventually maybe they'll thank you. Who knows?

I have learned how important friends and family are for my mental health. I have never felt as good as I do now. For those who do not have the luxury of friends and family, meds are also good. What am I saying? Meds are probably good regardless.

I have learned that the telephone isn't always the best way to communicate. Sometimes this makes me a bad friend, and for that, I am sorry. I love to write and receive letters. In the mail. Like, from the mailman. Send me your addressif you'd like one. Sometimes I don't have too much to say so I just need to text you, but I don't have unlimited texting, I am not made of money, not even a little bit. Also bedtime in my house is very early, so sometimes I have been asleep for hours by the time some of you night owls decide it's a good time to call. While I do appreciate the call, and the message, some more than you know, I am very bad about returning the calls, and for that, I am sorry.

"your welcome"

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